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Red bean represents lovesickness. In China, the red beans have another romantic name \"The love bean\".

Red bean is not just a type of bean, but also a symbol of love and longing. In Chinese culture, it is often associated with the feeling of missing someone deeply. When translated into English, it can be expressed as \"lovesickness beans\" or \"the bean of longing\". These translations not only capture the essence of the red bean\'s meaning but also add a touch of romance.


When it comes to translating various types of food from Chinese to English, it is important to find the most accurate and appropriate terms. Here are some translations of popular Chinese dishes and fruits:

  • 黄花鱼 - Yellow Croaker: This is a type of fish commonly found in Chinese cuisine. It has a distinct yellow color and is known for its delicate taste.
  • 小虾 - Shrimp: Shrimp is a staple in many Chinese dishes. It is often used in stir-fries, dumplings, and seafood dishes.
  • 哈密瓜 - Hami Melon: The Hami melon is a sweet and juicy melon variety from the Xinjiang region of China. It is known for its refreshing taste and crisp texture.
  • 芒果 - Mango: Mango is a tropical fruit that is loved by many. It is sweet, fragrant, and often used in desserts and smoothies.
  • 荔枝 - Lichee: Lichee is a small, juicy fruit with a delicate flavor. It is often enjoyed fresh or used in desserts and drinks.
  • 龙眼 - Longan: Longan is a close relative of lichee. It has a similar taste and texture, but its flavor is milder. It is commonly eaten as a snack or used in desserts.
  • 杨桃 - Carambola: Carambola, also known as starfruit, is a unique fruit with a star-like shape. It has a tangy and slightly sweet taste.
  • 石榴 - Pomegranate: Pomegranate is a fruit with ruby-red arils. It is known for its antioxidant properties and is often used in salads, juices, and desserts.
  • 花生 - Peanut: Peanut is a versatile legume that is used in both savory and sweet dishes. It is often ground into peanut butter or used as a topping for desserts.


Soup dumplings, also known as \"dumplings\" and \"floating yuanzi\", are one of the most popular traditional Chinese desserts. These sweet dumplings are made from glutinous rice flour and filled with a variety of sweet fillings, such as red bean paste, black sesame paste, or peanut paste. The dumplings are boiled until they become soft and chewy, and then served in a warm, sweet soup. The texture of the dumplings and the richness of the fillings make them a delightful treat for both the eyes and the taste buds.


红豆 is translated into English as \"jequirity\" or \"lovepea\". These names refer to the seeds of the jequirity tree, which are bright red in color. In ancient Chinese literature, red beans were often used to symbolize lovesickness and longing, hence the term \"lovepea\". The beauty and significance of red beans in Chinese culture make them a poetic and romantic symbol.


During my summer holiday, my parents took me to Beijing, the capital city of China. We stayed at Huabei Hotel and embarked on a culinary adventure to explore Beijing\'s famous local cuisine.

On the first day, we visited the Great Wall, a magnificent UNESCO World Heritage Site. After exploring the ancient walls, we enjoyed a traditional Beijing dish called Peking Roast Duck. The crispy skin, tender meat, and flavorful sauce made the dish truly unforgettable.

Another must-try dish in Beijing is Beijing noodles, also known as Zhajiangmian. This dish is made with hand-pulled noodles topped with a savory and minced pork sauce. The combination of the chewy noodles and rich sauce creates a delicious and satisfying dining experience.

We also had the opportunity to try Wangfujing Snack Street, a famous food street in Beijing. There, we indulged in a variety of street foods, such as lamb skewers, jianbing (Chinese crepes), tanghulu (candied fruits), and more. The vibrant atmosphere and mouthwatering aromas made it a truly enjoyable food adventure.

Overall, Beijing offers a wide range of delicious and unique culinary experiences. Whether it\'s the world-famous Peking Roast Duck or the bustling street food scene, Beijing is a paradise for food lovers.


IceIceKacang is a popular dessert in Malaysia, often enjoyed during hot summer days. The name \"IceIceKacang\" originates from the Malay language. \"Ice\" refers to the cold and refreshing nature of the dessert, while \"Kacang\" means beans in Malay.

Although \"Kacang\" typically refers to peanuts, in the context of IceIceKacang, it refers to the red beans commonly used as a topping for this dessert. The red beans are cooked until soft and sweetened, then added as a delicious topping to the shaved ice. Additional toppings such as sweet corn, grass jelly, and syrup are also added to enhance the flavor and texture.

IceIceKacang is not only a treat for the taste buds but also a visual delight. The colorful layers of shaved ice, vibrant toppings, and the rich red beans create a beautiful and appetizing dessert that brings joy to both locals and visitors alike.


半妆红豆,各自相思瘦 is a line from a poem written by Huang Tingjian, a prominent poet of the Song Dynasty. It can be translated into English as:

\"Gazing upon the half-painted red beans, we both become thin with longing.\"

This poetic line depicts the profound feeling of lovesickness. The half-painted red beans symbolize the yearning for a lover. The poet suggests that both individuals in the poem are so deeply consumed by longing and thoughts of each other that they appear physically thin. This metaphorical expression beautifully captures the intensity of their emotions and the pain of separation.


Colors play a significant role in our everyday lives and have their own symbolic meanings. Here are some English color-related idioms and expressions:

  • Red letter day: This phrase refers to a special and memorable day or occasion.
  • See red: This expression means to become extremely angry or furious.
  • Red-blooded males: This term is used to describe energetic and vigorous men.
  • White elephant: It refers to something that is expensive or burdensome to maintain, just like owning a white elephant.

Colors have the power to evoke emotions and convey messages. They are an integral part of our language and culture.


Colors have always been an inspiration in literature, art, and everyday life. Here are some English color-related proverbs and phrases:

  • A black sheep: It refers to an odd or disreputable person within a group.
  • A white lie: This phrase describes a harmless and trivial lie told to avoid hurting someone\'s feelings.
  • In the pink: It means to be in very good health or condition.
  • Green with envy: This expression describes intense jealousy or envy.

These color-related proverbs and phrases add depth and vividness to the English language. They provide colorful ways of expressing emotions and experiences.


Mooncakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. The seasonal round cakes traditionally symbolize reunion and are shared among family and friends during the festival.

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Chang\'e who lived on the Earth. Her husband, Houyi, was a skilled archer. One day, the Earth faced a great crisis, as ten suns rose in the sky and caused extreme heat and drought. People suffered and crops withered.

To save the Earth, Houyi embarked on a dangerous mission. With his bow and arrows, he shot down nine of the suns, leaving only one in the sky. His heroic act saved the Earth and brought peace to the land.

As a reward for his bravery, the Queen Mother of Heaven gave Houyi a magical pill that granted immortality. However, Houyi didn\'t want to leave Chang\'e alone, so he entrusted the pill to her.

One day, while Houyi was away, Chang\'e came across the pill and couldn\'t resist the temptation. She swallowed it and suddenly felt light as if she was floating. She rose to the sky and landed on the moon.

Since then, Chang\'e has been living on the moon, lonely but immortal. On Mid-Autumn Festival, people offer sacrifices and admire the full moon, hoping for blessings and reunions.

This tale of Chang\'e\'s journey to the moon is a beloved story that has been passed down through generations. It symbolizes the desire for reunion and the sacrifices made for love.